
Call for Papers JTERA Vol. 10 No. 1 Juny 2025

JTERA Editorial Team invites to all prospective authors to submit full paper through online submission [HERE].

The scopes of accepted papers are:

  • Informatics, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering
  • Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering

Submission deadline: Mei 31, 2025. See Important Dates

Before submission please make sure that your paper follows the journal template, author guidelines, and contains JTERA substance guidelines (DOWNLOAD HERE). This will ensure fast processing and publication. Any papers not fulfilling the requirements based on the guideline to authors WILL NOT BE PROCESSED.

Posted: 2025-01-13

Why your paper is archieved?

This happens because the manuscript you submitted does not comply with the journal guidelines so the manuscript is rejected. Several things can cause your manuscript to be rejected:

  1. The author did not upload the article file in Step 2 - Upload Submission
  2. The manuscript format is not MS. Word
  3. Writing format does not comply with guidelines, such as column width, margins, poor image resolution, tables in image format, text on images is too small, etc.
  4. The topic of the article has been published by many other authors (no novelty)
  5. No studies of previous research were found in the introduction (state-of-the art)
  6. No method or algorithm was found in the manuscript
  7. References are few and not from up to date journals/proceedings
  8. Specifically for review papers, authors are required to use at least 30 references

Thank You

Best regards,
JTERA Editorial Board

Posted: 2023-10-05
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